This week around the Gatsby islands

At the end of the year, Gatsby released the dates for Gatsby Conf 2022: March 2nd and 3rd. If you have a talk idea, their Call for Proposals (CFP) is open through January 14th.

I am starting off the year testing something new: Live Screencasts — concise, instructional videos on a single Gatsby topic.

Ola has committed to doing skill-building streams every Sunday for the next 100 weeks 🤯

Friend of the pirates Nicholas "Nico" Martin raised over £6000 with his Gatsby-powered site and a very festive Mini Cooper — make sure to click that link to see the Mini in action (and donate for another couple of days).

Lastly, you have until the end of the day tomorrow (Jan 4th) to submit an entry for Netlify's Dusty Domains, according to Jason Lengstorf!

Our streaming schedule this week

All the best,
Queen Raae

PS: If you have any tips for next week, let me know!

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