This week around the Gatsby islands

Last week's release from Gatsby was a fun one, v4.14:

I am especially excited about being able to use the raw body sent to a Gatsby Serverless Functions. Stripe and others require it to verify if the request is valid!

The GraphQL Typegen also seems super interesting:

Demo of types being available inside the editor automagically

This week we'll make sure our gatsby-source-youtube-oEmbed plays nicely with both Gatsby ImageCDN and downloading the thumbnails as local files.

Also worth noting that next week Sanity is putting on what seems to be an excellent conference on Structured Content. We'll be attending the Oslo watch party!

Our streaming schedule this week

🔴 ⛵ Coding and chatting with Jed · #OlaCast #26
— Wednesday, May 18th @ 17:00 CEST

🔴 🏴‍☠️ Gatsby ImageCDN and createRemoteFile side-by-side in a plugin · #GatsbyJS Deep Dive
— Thursday, May 19th @ 19:00 CEST

Other events

# Virtual Meetup - April 2022
— Wednesday, May 18th @ 19:00 CEST

All the best,
Queen Raae

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